Joomla 3.9.3 closes security gaps

It 3.9.3 security flaws

Customers who have not signed a maintenance contract urgently need to provide regular updates so that vulnerabilities that have become known cannot be misused by hackers for burglaries!

The latest update from the one of the most recent versions 3.9.3 closes various security vulnerabilities of the CMS software!

If you don't want to do any more updates, you'd better develop your websites with the Prima website builder! Once developed websites never need to be updated again and you can also import existing websites with the PWB!

Just look at the demo or just try out how easy it is to develop secure websites with the Prima website builder without having to mess around with unsafe stuff like it!

Vulnerabilities = security vulnerabilities can be found in many software products. Some of these are not discovered by the affected programmers later, but may be So dangerous that you allow break-ins into the software! Therefore, security vulnerabilities must be eliminated in good time, which is usually done by the updates issued by the manufacturers!

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